World Quaker Day is October 6, 2019!

World Quaker Day, supported by Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), is happening this Sunday, October 6 across the globe. You can find out more at the website. Here’s a message from FWCC regarding the day: This year’s theme is Sustainability: Planting Seeds of Renewal for the World We Love FWCC invites you to join Quakers…

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Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting September 21, 2019

Quick Reminder: The Fall 2019 Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting (GPQM) is next Saturday: September 21 2019 9AM-3PM Michigan Friends Center Chelsea Michigan MFC Map GPQM Associated meetings: Ann Arbor, Birmingham, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Holland, Kalamazoo, and Red Cedar. Associated Worship groups: Manitou, Pine River, and Tustin. The Meeting for Business will discern proposed new…

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Friends Couple Enrichment Retreat Nov 15-17 2019

There are few things more fulfilling in life than being deeply understood by the one who loves you, and deeply understanding the one you love. The Couple Enrichment Dialogue, in which we listen tenderly and speak authentically, is a spiritual practice that helps us gain this kind of deep understanding. If you would like to learn how to use the…

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Broadmead MM Fall Retreat – Steps towards Anti-Racism and Justice

Broadmead Monthly Meeting is hosting a Fall Retreat that all of LEYM is invited to participate in. Date: Oct. 11th – 13th 2019 Retreat Theme: Steps towards Anti-Racism and Justice Presenters: Carolyn Lejuste & Jamie Archer Location: St. Francis Spirituality Center, Tiffin, Ohio A brochure with additional registration information is available here. Checkin starts at 6:30 pm Fri. (supper is NOT provided)…

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Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s Harassment Policy

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting wants to make its Annual Gathering and other committee meetings, visits, and programs free of harassment. This policy addresses a number of forms of harassment, described within the policy. Our consciousness of the need to prevent and respond to these types of harassment has been heightened by our realization that such behavior does occur at…

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2019 Epistle to Friends Everywhere

Epistle to all Friends  Lake Erie Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends  July 25-28, 2019 Bluffton University, Bluffton, Ohio   “(We) remain(s) a vibrant community of dedicated, caring, flawed and lovely Quakers. Gathering together for worship, study, fellowship or work strengthens our bonds and renews our spirits.  We face the uncertain future not afraid and…

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Vacancy in Ann Arbor’s Quaker House Residential Community

Friends are invited to apply to join Ann Arbor Meeting’s Quaker House Residential Community (QHRC), which has a vacancy opening sometime in August. Quaker House adjoins the Ann Arbor Friends Meetinghouse on a lot near the edge of the University of Michigan main campus. The QHRC typically has 5–6 members of various ages, some of whom are Friends. Learn…

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Draft Revisions to Policies and Procedures

At the fall Executive Committee meeting, Mathilda Navias and Jeff Cooper agreed to consider needed updates to our Policies and Procedures manual. They have compiled a six-page document that groups suggested changes in four categories: A) those requiring discernment by the Meeting; B) those recognizing changes in current practice; C) policies and procedures already approved but not yet included; and D) minor…

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