Broadmead MM Friends Fall Retreat Oct 2-4

Broadmead Monthly Meeting Friends
Fall Retreat Oct. 2nd – 4th 2020

Retreat Theme:  Transformative Worship

Presenter:  Christopher Sammond

Biography of Christopher Sammond

Christopher Sammond is a member of Poplar Ridge Monthly Meeting, New York YM. He has facilitated workshops and retreats for over thirty years in a wide variety of Friends’ contexts, including Powell House, Woolman Hill, ESR, the FGC Gathering, the FUM Triennial, the FWCC World Gathering, and at scores of monthly meetings. He is trained in spiritual direction and the spiritual formation of whole congregations and has served as a chaplain in hospice, hospital, and drug and alcohol treatment center settings. He is passionate about helping Friends to deepen in our practice of worship, and has traveled extensively in the ministry. He served New York Yearly Meeting as their General Secretary for many years, and currently divides his time between offering retreats on worship, serving as a core teacher in the School of the Spirit program, Participating in God’s Power, and offering spiritual direction. Christopher lives in central New York with his wife Barbara and cats Harriet and Lil.

Oct. 2th – 4th 2020 EVENT DETAILS

The Virtual Retreat Program: The Virtual Retreat will be a full weekend retreat. It is put forth with the idea that participants will be truly engaged in the event, even though it will be a virtual weekend long event. Participant are encouraged to block out the time and hold the event as they would for any other retreat. It is anticipated that we will have one session starting on Friday evening for 2 hours. Saturday will consist of three sessions 2 hours in the am, 2 hours mid afternoon, a virtual shared meal, and a hour and a half Sat. evening. An hour session before Sunday worship and a hour and a half session after meeting for worship.

We want everyone to attend the retreat, Friends are encouraged to, but not required to consider contributing to support future Retreats by sending a contribution, if so led in lieu of any cost for the retreat for this year. This contribution would help to support future participation by those who might have difficulty paying registration fees when we are able to meet in person in the future.

Needed Participant Information:
Name: _______________________________
Telephone #: _______________________
e-mail: _____________________________

Registration Info Sent to:
Kathleen Helbling
T606 St. Rt. 109
Liberty Center, OH 43532 or

Donations Sent to:
Shelley Kotz
2951 Emmick
Toledo, OH 43606

Zoom Information will be sent out prior to the Retreat. Please indicate your level of comfort of using a virtual meeting platform.
I am:
____ a) Very comfortable using a virtual platform such as Zoom.
____ b) Somewhat comfortable using a virtual platform such as Zoom.
____ c) Not very comfortable and may need some support using a virtual platform such as Zoom.

_____ I will be using a computer for the retreat
_____ I will be using a phone for the retreat
_____ I will be using a computer & a phone for the retreat

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