Register for April 2-3 Representative Meeting

The 2021 LEYM Representative Meeting will be held online this year, beginning on the evening of Friday April 2 (for the Executive Committee), followed by the broader gathering of Friends on Saturday, April 3 from 10am to 3pm. This year we will be hearing from the ad hoc Visioning Committee on their work considering an updated structure for LEYM. It will be a…

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AFSC April Workshop Series for Friends

The American Friends Service Committee invites you to join them for a week of events and workshops on the occasion of AFSC’s 2021 annual meeting, a virtual program exploring different dimensions of “Making New Worlds: Pursuing Peace with Justice,” from Sunday, April 11 through Thursday, April 15, 2021.In six workshops, one panel presentation, and one plenary address AFSC will explore…

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Possibilities of Peace Education Event in May 2021

Are you a teacher, youth worker, young adult, volunteer, parent/carer interested in peace education? Would you like to meet people from across Europe and beyond, share practice and ways to strengthen the call for peace education? The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) and Quaker Peace and Social Witness (QPSW) invite you to their conference “The Possibilities of Peace…

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FCNL Opportunities for Young Adults

The Friends Committee on National Legislation has opportunities for young adults to work for peace and justice. Advocacy CorpsYoung adults (19-30 years old) lead local grassroots campaigns to influence members of Congress. Participants receive a financial stipend and commit to 25 hours a month for 10 months plus a 10-day immersive training in community organizing, media outreach, and…

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Winter Bulletin Now Available

The Winter LEYM Bulletin is now available here as a pdf. It includes a Clerk’s Message from Jo Posti, an introduction to the Visioning Committee report that will be the focus of Representative Meeting (virtual, April 3), a preview of Paula Palmer’s keynote address at this summer’s Annual Meeting, a request for Annual Meeting workshop proposals, LEYM’s Epistle from…

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New Bible Study Program Begins February 20th

Come, Engage with the Bible Join other LEYM members to explore ways to Engage with the bible, led by Maryann Concannon, Red Cedar MM. We will be using the book Engaging Scripture: Reading the Bible with Early Friends by Michael Birkel from Earlham. You will get the most out of the sessions by pre-purchasing the book. The program will…

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2020 Annual Records Now Available

The 2020 edition of the Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Annual Records has at last been published. Among the features are minutes and reports from both the Representative Meeting in April and the Annual Sessions in July/August, a full slate of committee officers, committee members, and representatives, and useful information on all of our monthly meetings and worship groups, giving details…

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LEYM Bulletin Seeks Submissions

SUBMISSIONS FOR LEYM WINTER BULLETIN DUE JAN. 15, 2021 Please send articles, essays, reports, or artwork for Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s Winter 2021 Bulletin to the editors, Jeff Cooper and Peggy Daub, by Friday, January 15, 2021 (send to   As always, we welcome items reflecting the business of the Yearly Meeting, such as reports and announcements from committees.  Reports on activities in monthly meetings…

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Quaker Records Collection at

Friends may be interested to learn that now has a special collection of historical records related specifically to Quakers. A helpful research guide provides information about the types of available records and how to interpret the various terms and abbreviations used. Information sources include meeting minutes, births, marriages, burials, memberships, records related to discipline,…

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Green Pastures Quarterly Special Called Meeting

Joe Mills has requested a Special Called Meeting of Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting on behalf of Friends School Detroit Trustees to discuss the following issues: Amending the bylaws of Friends School in Detroit such that:The minimum number of Trustees for Friends School be reduced from 9 to 3Eliminate the provision that a trustee serving for 3 consecutive full terms must…

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