Quakerism 101 Series Evaluation Request

Hello Friends:In May, the LEYM Quakerism 101 series, coordinated by the Advancement & Outreach Committee, finished up its year-long program which ran from Oct 2023-May 2024.  We would like to express our gratitude for all who were able to participate in the program and to extend our appreciation to the Monthly Meetings who facilitated sessions and generated specific topics…

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Representative Meeting Brainstorm Notes Now Available

Friends from across the LEYM region gathered together online for our March 9 LEYM Representative Meeting. In the morning we heard reports on what is happening at various meetings, learned about what committees have been working on, reviewed our finances, heard about progress in setting up this year’s Annual Meeting at Ashland University (June 13-16, 2024) and…

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Announcement about Spiritual Formation 2022-2023

LEYM’s spiritual formation program will not be holding its fall retreat this year due to a number of stumbling blocks confronting the committee.  We encourage current spiritual formation groups to continue to meet throughout the coming year.  Many groups meet twice a month, once to share responses to material all group members are reading and once to share about their…

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2022 Annual Business Sessions

We’re meeting online via Zoom for our 2022 Business Sessions. Further down the page you will find a proposed topical agenda prepared by the Clerk. Here’s the basic schedule. Business Session 1 – 7/28/2022 10:30amBusiness Session 2 – 7/29/2022 10:30amWhat Can We Say Together – Anti-Racism – 7/30/2022 10:30amBusiness Session 3 – 7/31/2022 1:00pm Documents in Advance LEYM committees…

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Register for LEYM April 2nd Representative Meeting

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Representative Meeting is on the horizon!  This gathering is a time for people from every Monthly Meeting in LEYM (as well as committees) to consider important matters together and to build or strengthen our relationships.   This year, Representative meeting will be held virtually on Saturday April 2.  Here’s the agenda. Business will be from 10:00am to 3pm  (with an…

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2021 Annual Business Sessions

Upcoming LEYM Business-related Sessions Note: Zoom Meeting Access for most business sessions will be available via https://bit.ly/leym2021business See Agenda for Business Sessions (docx) or Agenda for Business Sessions (pdf) LEYM Executive Committee Meeting – Wed July 28 3:00 PMBusiness Session 1 – Thu July 29 11:00 AMBusiness Session 2 – Fri July 30 11:00…

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Exploring Hybrid Worship Models

LEYM’s Ministry and Nurture Committee has been exploring the many ways that Quakers are adapting to a more virtual life of the spirit as groups adopt online meeting practices. Quakers are worshiping online across the globe, as these extensive lists of worship opportunities compiled by Western Friends and Friends World Committee on Consultation make clear. As more…

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Resources for Ministry and Nurture

Ministry and Nurture of LEYM will be hosting sessions of a Clerks’ Chat via Zoom. We invite Monthly Meeting Clerks, Assistant Clerks, and Worship Group Conveners to join us for any or all of the 1 ½ hour sessions. These will be a time of fellowship and informal conversations on topics of interest and concern to those attending at each…

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Advance Registration for Representative Meeting (due March 13)

UPDATE: Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s executive committee has discerned that we will hold our Rep. Meeting that had been scheduled 4/3 & 4/4 in #Pittsburgh via @zoom_us to reduce #COVID19 exposure. More details to follow in coming days. The 2020 LEYM Representative Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 4 at Pittsburgh Friends Meeting, 4836 Ellsworth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA…

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