Register for LEYM April 2nd Representative Meeting
Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Representative Meeting is on the horizon! This gathering is a time for people from every Monthly Meeting in LEYM (as well as committees) to consider important matters together and to build or strengthen our relationships. This year, Representative meeting will be held virtually on Saturday April 2. Here’s the agenda. Business will be from 10:00am to 3pm (with an hour break for lunch). To make dedicated time for relationship building – something we’ve been missing a lot in the last couple of years! – there will be a structured opportunity for energizing small group conversation or worship starting at 9:30 am. Come for both business and the earlier session, or just one!
Many meetings have designated representatives to the Yearly Meeting (YM), and those people should definitely plan on attending. However, like last year, this year we welcome anyone who is interested from any LEYM meeting, and will have an agenda that you can engage with even if you’re unfamiliar with LEYM. We are hoping to see faces from as many meetings as possible.
Our time together will include:
- Hearing about all the different activities and programs underway within the YM
- Discerning what topic we might consider as an LEYM statement of shared belief this summer – think a bite-sized piece of Faith and Practice
- Getting a chance to hear and have conversations about what other Quaker organizations are doing
…the complete agenda and zoom link will be distributed to registrants.
We hope you can make it! If you are planning on attending, please use this link to register: We’d appreciate receiving registrations by March 30th.
If you have any questions, please contact the clerk, Susan Loucks, at
Thank you!