Representative Meeting Brainstorm Notes Now Available

Friends from across the LEYM region gathered together online for our March 9 LEYM Representative Meeting. In the morning we heard reports on what is happening at various meetings, learned about what committees have been working on, reviewed our finances, heard about progress in setting up this year’s Annual Meeting at Ashland University (June 13-16, 2024) and got a preview of the new online registration form.

In the afternoon, Friends engaged in some shared brainstorming and small group work, thinking about what LEYM could look like if we started from scratch, with particular attention paid to the role of Clerk. As we learned from the nominating committee, we are still seeking a clerk and assistant clerk to begin service when Susan Loucks ends her term in June. As part of our brainstorming process, we used an online “Jamboard” that enabled small groups to post their ideas and share them out with the larger group.

The jamboard brainstorm document can be accessed as a pdf here. If anyone who participated had their appetite whetted and is moved to consider LEYM structures with a small group in between now and our annual meeting, please let the clerk know via

Minutes from the Business Session are being prepared, and will be added to this post and the Minutes section of the LEYM website when available.

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