Fox Journal First Edition displayed at LEYM Annual Meeting

Friends enjoyed a wide range of opportunities at this year’s Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Annual Meeting. One particularly remarkable event, however, was the chance to view a First Edition of George Fox’s Journal, published way back in 1694. Our Bulletin Editor Christopher Farrand made arrangements with Cleveland Monthly Meeting, owners of the journal, to display this rare document as part…

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Spring 2024 Bulletin now available

The Spring issue of the LEYM Bulletin has been released. In it you’ll find the Clerk’s message, a report on Representative Meeting, information on small LEYM worship groups and how you can visit them, and lots of material on the 2024 Annual Meeting. The issue provides a broad overview of the coming Annual Meeting, registration instructions,…

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2024 Annual Meeting – Ashland, Ohio

Friends Together: Outpourings of the Spirit is our 2024 Theme. Our plenary presenter will be singer/songwriter Paulette Meier who is known for her collections of Quaker chants and her children’s peacemaking music. Our theme was inspired by the energy, creativity and life revealed last year as we gathered for the first time since the COVID-19 shutdowns. This year we expect…

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LEYM 2024 Call for Workshops Form

The Adult and Family Program Committee is excited about our upcoming Annual Meeting to be held June 13-16, 2024 at Ashland University and we’d like to invite interested Friends to consider being part of the program by submitting a proposal to offer a workshop. Our 2024 theme is “Friends Together: Outpourings of the Spirit” and our plenary presenter will be…

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LEYM Annual Records Now Available

The 2023 LEYM Annual Records is now available, containing minutes of Representative Meeting and Annual Sessions, summaries of the plenary address and workshops at the Annual Meeting, State of the Meeting reports from monthly meetings, memorial minutes, contact information for meetings and worship groups and their officers and committee clerks as well as Friends active in Yearly Meeting, and more.  …

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2023 Annual Sessions – Ashland, Ohio

Navigating Anew is our 2023 Theme. We’re all excited to finally be gathering together again in person. We find ourselves in changing times in the world and in our Quaker meetings. With all this change, navigation isn’t on autopilot but becomes a conscious task, whether it is finding the way from dorm to dining hall or finding our way toward…

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