Digital Version of Annual Records posted

Dear Friends,
At Annual Sessions last summer, we agreed to try posting a version of the LEYM Annual Records online with no contact information (other than for those Friends who have agreed to be the contact person for their Monthly Meeting or Worship Group). Thus, the version posted in the LEYM website has no Directory section.

We on Publications & Archives Committee hope you find this useful. The online version is posted for viewing (and download if you wish) at the new LEYM Annual Records page:

The paper version won’t go to the copy shop for another nine days or so. If you notice errors in the online version, please contact Jeff Cooper ( asap, and perhaps there will be time to correct these in the print version. Paper copies are distributed in multiple copies to Monthly Meetings, where interested Friends can pick up a copy. If you need to have a paper copy mailed directly to you, please contact Jeff at

Happy reading!

Jeff Cooper
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