LEYM Annual Records Now Available

The volume of LEYM Annual Records 2022 is now available, containing minutes of Representative Meeting and Annual Meeting, summaries of the plenary address and workshops at the annual sessions, State of the Meeting reports from monthly meetings and worship groups, memorial minutes, and lots of contact information for meetings and those active in Yearly Meeting. If you wish to have…

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2022 Annual Business Sessions

We’re meeting online via Zoom for our 2022 Business Sessions. Further down the page you will find a proposed topical agenda prepared by the Clerk. Here’s the basic schedule. Business Session 1 – 7/28/2022 10:30amBusiness Session 2 – 7/29/2022 10:30amWhat Can We Say Together – Anti-Racism – 7/30/2022 10:30amBusiness Session 3 – 7/31/2022 1:00pm Documents in Advance LEYM committees…

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2022 Annual Sessions

Get prepared for your registration by reviewing what’s on offer. The calendar of events schedule below is clickable, providing additional information such as full session descriptions and access and tech support links. You can also get a helpful printout of the visual schedule as a pdf.

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Create a Meeting Story Tree

Create a Visual Introduction to Your Group UPDATE: Our Gallery of LEYM Story Trees is now available for viewing Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Friends are being invited to do a quick visual introduction of their Monthly Meeting or Worship Group during our 2022 Opening Gathering in the evening of Wednesday, July 27th. The Program Committee has chosen the theme…

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2021 Annual Business Sessions

Upcoming LEYM Business-related Sessions Note: Zoom Meeting Access for most business sessions will be available via https://bit.ly/leym2021business See Agenda for Business Sessions (docx) or Agenda for Business Sessions (pdf) LEYM Executive Committee Meeting – Wed July 28 3:00 PMBusiness Session 1 – Thu July 29 11:00 AMBusiness Session 2 – Fri July 30 11:00…

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Read Epistles from Friends around the globe

As groups of Quakers gather in their annual sessions, they often write something known as an “Epistle” that is then shared with other Friends around the world. Back in the 17th century the Quaker movement revived the Gospel use of this word to mean an advisory or admonitory letter, sent to a group of people. In modern usage, you can…

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2020 Annual Records Now Available

The 2020 edition of the Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Annual Records has at last been published. Among the features are minutes and reports from both the Representative Meeting in April and the Annual Sessions in July/August, a full slate of committee officers, committee members, and representatives, and useful information on all of our monthly meetings and worship groups, giving details…

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