Vacancy in Ann Arbor’s Quaker House Residential Community

Friends are invited to apply to join Ann Arbor Meeting’s Quaker House Residential Community (QHRC), which has a vacancy opening sometime in August. Quaker House adjoins the Ann Arbor Friends Meetinghouse on a lot near the edge of the University of Michigan main campus. The QHRC typically has 5–6 members of various ages, some of whom are Friends. Learn…

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Draft Revisions to Policies and Procedures

At the fall Executive Committee meeting, Mathilda Navias and Jeff Cooper agreed to consider needed updates to our Policies and Procedures manual. They have compiled a six-page document that groups suggested changes in four categories: A) those requiring discernment by the Meeting; B) those recognizing changes in current practice; C) policies and procedures already approved but not yet included; and D) minor…

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Silence, Contemplation, and Scripture – Pendle Hill Retreat July 11-14 2019

Kairos: Silence, Contemplation, and Scripture A spiritual retreat based on the monastic practice of worshiping, working, and studying while experiencing the dynamic of solitude and community living. July 11-14, 2019 Thursday evening through Sunday noon Register by May 1 for early-bird discount. Facilitated by Francisco Burgos For more information, visit Kairos Pendle Hill, 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford,…

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Funds Available for Travel to Conferences Reflecting Quaker Values

At the LEYM Annual Sessions in 2018, $1,000 was designated in the budget to assist Friends to attend conferences that reflect Quaker values. Conferences reflecting Quaker values can be conferences developed by or sponsored by Quaker groups or conferences whose purposes are closely aligned with Quaker testimonies, such as peace, equality, integrity, and simplicity. These funds are not meant to…

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Pendle Hill Quaker Institute to build skills May 30-June 2 2019

This Institute presents an opportunity for Friends to enhance the skills they need to serve their meetings with joy and confidence. We will focus on topics including but not limited to religious education, eldering, pastoral care, clerking, and recording. For more information visit PH Quaker Institute Pendle Hill, 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, PA 19086, USA (…

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Young Adult Quaker Conference – Pendle Hill June 7-12 2019

Continuing Revolution 2019: Experimenting Beyond Capitalism Join young adult Quakers and seekers (age 18-35) at Pendle Hill for our annual young adult conference! The group will interrogate how the economic system functions and its role in fueling inequality and oppression among people of different classes, races, ethnicities, genders, nationalities, and more. To learn more visit Continuing Revolution. Pendle Hill,…

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Getting in Touch – Pendle Hill Retreat May 17-19 2019

How often do we get swallowed up in the busyness of the world and the details of daily existence — losing touch with our truer selves and becoming less available even to those we love most deeply? We invite you to come away from the hectic and the fraught, and get in touch. A weekend with John Calvi. For…

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Silence & Meditation Saturday Retreats – Michigan Friends Center 2019

A Day of Silence and Meditation Practice Led by Carol Blotter Each retreat is a separate opportunity to enjoy the quiet of the country while practicing sitting and walking meditation. This day is appropriate for anyone interested in meditation: beginners will have break-out instruction; experienced meditators can be in silence all day; those in-between can practice and have their…

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