Food Security, Food Justice event set for March 12th

SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 2:00-3:30 pmFood Security, Food JusticeHosted by Lake Erie Yearly Meeting and North Columbus Friends Meeting Our March Interest Group session is set for Saturday, March 12th starting at 2:00 pm. The speakers will provide an informational overview of the larger issues around food sovereignty, food security, food justice, etc., before diving into concrete strategies…

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LEYM Winter Bulletin Now Available

The Winter 2022 issue of the LEYM Bulletin is now available in PDF from (See for all recent issues). Paper copies will soon arrive at addresses for monthly meetings and worship groups, or directly to those who have requested it in that form. Contents include a message from Clerk Susan Loucks on Quaker business meetings, a…

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Winter GQPM Program – Updated

NEW: PRESENTATION POSTPONED Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Feb 19 GPQM First Nations presentation has been postponed. It will be rescheduled for a later date. A shortened GPQM event will still be held. Michigan’s Anishinaabe People’s Social and Environmental Justice Campaigns Join Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting online for worship, socializing, an important program and small…

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Submissions for Winter Bulletin due Jan 15

SUBMISSIONS FOR LEYM WINTER BULLETIN DUE SAT., JAN. 15, 2022  Please send items for Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s Winter 2022 Bulletin to the editors, Jeff Cooper and Peggy Daub, by Saturday, January 15, 2022 (send to    As always, we welcome reports and announcements reflecting the business of the Yearly Meeting.  Materials for Representative Meeting in April are…

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November Interest Group Session to Focus on Anti-racist Standards for Healthcare

LEYM’s Peace, Justice and Earthcare Interest Group series continues on Saturday, November 13th from 2:00-3:30pm ET on Zoom. Healthcare, Healing and Anti-Racist Standards In this interactive presentation we will have the opportunity to understand how racism impacts the healthcare setting; how anti-racist standards prevent racism in the healthcare setting and beyond; and how we can employ…

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World Quaker Day is October 3

Friends around the world are celebrating World Quaker Day, a project of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, on Sunday, October 3, 2021. You are invited to join in. The theme this year is Resilience and hope: drawing strength from our Quaker faith. You can learn more and see reports of activities at

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Fall 2021 Bulletin Now Available

The Fall issue of the LEYM Bulletin is now available. Contents include a message from Clerk Susan Loucks on findings of the ad hoc committee that went through a Visioning process last year, the LEYM Epistle, news from our Annual Sessions, reports from three monthly meetings on their recent anti-racist work, and more. Current and back issues of the…

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Detroit Friends Plan New Meetinghouse

After years of discernment and uncertainty over the path forward, the Detroit Friends Meeting (DFM) is enthusiastic about building a new meetinghouse to provide a permanent spiritual home in Detroit that will serve the community and generations of future Quakers. Detroit Friends Meeting has had a presence in Detroit since the early 1920s. DFM’s twenty-five current members, along with a…

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Broadmead October Retreat to Feature Christopher Sammond

The annual Broadmead Monthly Meeting Friends Fall Retreat is scheduled for October 1-3 2001 on the theme “Openings to Transformative Worship.” The event, to be held at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin, OH, features retreat leader Christopher Sammond. Christopher Sammond is a member of Poplar Ridge Monthly Meeting, New York YM. He has facilitated workshops and…

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