Fall Spiritual Formation Retreat Details

LEYM Spiritual Formation Program Opening WorkshopGoing Deeper Togetheronline Sept 10-12, 2021with Marcelle Martin The LEYM spiritual formation planning committee invites all of you to participate in this year’s spiritual formation program. The year’s program is kicked off with a weekend fall retreat in September and culminates in a one-day spring retreat in May. In between the two retreats, small…

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GPQM Annual Worship and Picnic, August 8, in Battle Creek

Every year in early August Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting remembers the anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and celebrates peace in the historic Quaker Park in Battle Creek. GPQM will hold an in-person worship planned for 11 a.m., August 8, outdoors at Quaker Park. Worship will be followed by a picnic, with Friends may bring a chair/blanket,…

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Read Epistles from Friends around the globe

As groups of Quakers gather in their annual sessions, they often write something known as an “Epistle” that is then shared with other Friends around the world. Back in the 17th century the Quaker movement revived the Gospel use of this word to mean an advisory or admonitory letter, sent to a group of people. In modern usage, you can…

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Exploring Hybrid Worship Models

LEYM’s Ministry and Nurture Committee has been exploring the many ways that Quakers are adapting to a more virtual life of the spirit as groups adopt online meeting practices. Quakers are worshiping online across the globe, as these extensive lists of worship opportunities compiled by Western Friends and Friends World Committee on Consultation make clear. As more…

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FCNL 2021 Report to Yearly Meetings

The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) has released their 2021 Report to Yearly Meetings. Many Friends within LEYM have been active on FCNL Advocacy Teams or via participation in some of FCNL’s ongoing events series. This report includes some of the highlights of this year’s work, made possible by the advocacy, engagement, and financial support of…

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Spring Bulletin Submissions Due May 15

MAY 15, 2021:  DUE DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS TO LEYM SPRING BULLETIN  Please send articles, essays, reports or artwork for Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s Spring 2021Bulletin to the editors, Jeff Cooper and Peggy Daub, by Saturday, May 15, 2021 (send to bulletinleym@gmail.com)    This issue will provide information about Annual Meeting – the program, schedule, workshops, etc.  Remember, those sessions will again be virtual, from Wednesday, July 28, through Sunday,…

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AFSC to Offer New Youth Opportunities

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is developing an exciting new program for young Quakers and Quaker college students and alumni, ages 18-25. To help them develop this program, AFSC is inviting young Quakers and current and former students from Quaker colleges to participate in an upcoming Zoom focus group on either May 11 or May 12 at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. If…

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Spring Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting

Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting spring business meeting will be from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saturday, May 15, 2021, via Zoom (see below for link). In addition to business items, Friends will hear updates from the Michigan Friends Center and the Michigan Quakers for Environmental Action. To add an item to the agenda, please contact one of our Co-Clerks, Deb…

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Quaker House at Chautauqua ready for 2021 Season

Sue Tannehill is sharing the good news that the new Quaker house at Chautauqua is ready for the 2021 Chautauqua Season. She writes: Dear Quakers and other interested F/friends, It is with great joy that we are now accepting requests to stay at Quaker House at Chautauqua for the 2021 season!!  Please note all visitors must be fully…

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Register for April 2-3 Representative Meeting

The 2021 LEYM Representative Meeting will be held online this year, beginning on the evening of Friday April 2 (for the Executive Committee), followed by the broader gathering of Friends on Saturday, April 3 from 10am to 3pm. This year we will be hearing from the ad hoc Visioning Committee on their work considering an updated structure for LEYM. It will be a…

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