April Quakerism 101 Session Details

The LEYM Advancement and Outreach Committee will be offering two more sessions of the Quakerism 101 series this spring. The sessions are offered via Zoom. We are looking forward to Wednesday, April 17 (7-8:30 pm), when Susan Loucks of the Pittsburgh Friends Meeting presents a session on “Meeting for Worship with Attention to…What???” Any casual attender can see that…

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Spring 2024 Bulletin now available

The Spring issue of the LEYM Bulletin has been released. In it you’ll find the Clerk’s message, a report on Representative Meeting, information on small LEYM worship groups and how you can visit them, and lots of material on the 2024 Annual Meeting. The issue provides a broad overview of the coming Annual Meeting, registration instructions,…

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Representative Meeting Brainstorm Notes Now Available

Friends from across the LEYM region gathered together online for our March 9 LEYM Representative Meeting. In the morning we heard reports on what is happening at various meetings, learned about what committees have been working on, reviewed our finances, heard about progress in setting up this year’s Annual Meeting at Ashland University (June 13-16, 2024) and…

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LEYM-wide Meeting for Worship Upcoming on March 12th

Friends from across Lake Erie Yearly Meeting will be gathering online for a time of shared worship on Wednesday Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. The event is being sponsored by LEYM’s Ministry and Nurture Committee. We’d love to have you join us. We’ll be using this Zoom Link. Full Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87637944768?pwd=SEdFdUdaQzl3elFES0p6Y25VYnhUdz09 Zoom Meeting…

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Quakerism 101 Returns Feb 20th

We are looking forward to Tuesday, February 20 at 7pm, when the Ann Arbor Meeting will present a Quakerism 101 session on Guides to Faith and Practice written by Friends (get flyer here). The session will explore the history of how our non-creedal society came to create and use such documents; the experience of Friends who have created, developed, and revised these guides;…

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GPQM Midwinter Gathering to Feature Dwight Wilson

Midwinter Gathering of Green Pastures Quarterly MeetingSaturday, March 2, 9am – 1 pmSpeaker: Dwight Wilson“Answering the Call of My Twin Roots: Black and Quaker” Friends are invited to the Midwinter Gathering of Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting on Saturday, March 2nd. We will meet virtually via Zoom from 9 am to 1 pm, with time for worship, a presentation by Dwight…

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Winter Bulletin Now Available

Our new Bulletin Editor Christopher Farrand has announced the availability of the Winter 2024 Bulletin. The online version is available on the Bulletins page and is directly attached here. In addition to opening thoughts from our Clerk on Radical Richness, the edition includes information about the March Representative Meeting, as well as initial information for the 2024…

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