North Columbus Friends Meeting Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage, 1920-2020

North Columbus Friends Meeting Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage, 1920-2020 Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 7:00-8:30 p.m. North Columbus Friends Meeting invites you to join them via Zoom in commemorating the centennial of the 19th Amendment as we explore the story of several Quaker suffragists, the suffrage movement and commit ourselves today to helping every citizen have…

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Broadmead MM Friends Fall Retreat Oct 2-4

Broadmead Monthly Meeting Friends Fall Retreat Oct. 2nd – 4th 2020 Retreat Theme:  Transformative Worship Presenter:  Christopher Sammond Biography of Christopher Sammond Christopher Sammond is a member of Poplar Ridge Monthly Meeting, New York YM. He has facilitated workshops and retreats for over thirty years in a wide variety of Friends’ contexts, including Powell House, Woolman Hill, ESR, the…

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GPQM Annual Worship and Picnic, August 9 in Battle Creek

Every year in early August Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting remembers the anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and celebrates peace in the historic Quaker Park in Battle Creek, Michigan. With the park now open, GPQM is able to continue this tradition with in-person worship planned for 11 a.m., Sunday, August 9, outdoors at Quaker Park. Worship…

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Sharing Minutes on Anti-Racism

LEYM Friends Meetings have been holding their monthly Meetings for Worship with Attention to Business and a number of them have been sharing special Minutes that have been written in response to rising concerns about racism and violence by police. We will be posting these statements on the Resources for Peace and Justice page of the LEYM website. If…

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Seeking a Database Manager

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting is seeking a database manager, to commence work at rise of Annual Sessions (August 2). The pay is $20 per hour. A job description follows. The database manager is named by the Nominating Committee to serve a three-year term, renewable indefinitely, usually one year at a time. The database manager works under the oversight of the…

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Spring Bulletin Now Available

The Spring LEYM Bulletin is now available here. Like recent Spring issues, it looks ahead to our Annual Meeting, on July 30 – August 2. This year, however, the Annual Meeting is virtual, which has led to many changes in the program and how we will share the experience. The Bulletin explains how meeting via Zoom will work, describes…

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