November Interest Group Session to Focus on Anti-racist Standards for Healthcare

LEYM’s Peace, Justice and Earthcare Interest Group series continues on Saturday, November 13th from 2:00-3:30pm ET on Zoom. Healthcare, Healing and Anti-Racist Standards In this interactive presentation we will have the opportunity to understand how racism impacts the healthcare setting; how anti-racist standards prevent racism in the healthcare setting and beyond; and how we can employ…

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World Quaker Day is October 3

Friends around the world are celebrating World Quaker Day, a project of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, on Sunday, October 3, 2021. You are invited to join in. The theme this year is Resilience and hope: drawing strength from our Quaker faith. You can learn more and see reports of activities at

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Detroit Friends Plan New Meetinghouse

After years of discernment and uncertainty over the path forward, the Detroit Friends Meeting (DFM) is enthusiastic about building a new meetinghouse to provide a permanent spiritual home in Detroit that will serve the community and generations of future Quakers. Detroit Friends Meeting has had a presence in Detroit since the early 1920s. DFM’s twenty-five current members, along with a…

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Broadmead October Retreat to Feature Christopher Sammond

The annual Broadmead Monthly Meeting Friends Fall Retreat is scheduled for October 1-3 2001 on the theme “Openings to Transformative Worship.” The event, to be held at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin, OH, features retreat leader Christopher Sammond. Christopher Sammond is a member of Poplar Ridge Monthly Meeting, New York YM. He has facilitated workshops and…

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Fall Spiritual Formation Retreat Details

LEYM Spiritual Formation Program Opening WorkshopGoing Deeper Togetheronline Sept 10-12, 2021with Marcelle Martin The LEYM spiritual formation planning committee invites all of you to participate in this year’s spiritual formation program. The year’s program is kicked off with a weekend fall retreat in September and culminates in a one-day spring retreat in May. In between the two retreats, small…

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GPQM Annual Worship and Picnic, August 8, in Battle Creek

Every year in early August Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting remembers the anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and celebrates peace in the historic Quaker Park in Battle Creek. GPQM will hold an in-person worship planned for 11 a.m., August 8, outdoors at Quaker Park. Worship will be followed by a picnic, with Friends may bring a chair/blanket,…

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FCNL 2021 Report to Yearly Meetings

The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) has released their 2021 Report to Yearly Meetings. Many Friends within LEYM have been active on FCNL Advocacy Teams or via participation in some of FCNL’s ongoing events series. This report includes some of the highlights of this year’s work, made possible by the advocacy, engagement, and financial support of…

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AFSC to Offer New Youth Opportunities

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is developing an exciting new program for young Quakers and Quaker college students and alumni, ages 18-25. To help them develop this program, AFSC is inviting young Quakers and current and former students from Quaker colleges to participate in an upcoming Zoom focus group on either May 11 or May 12 at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. If…

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Quaker House at Chautauqua ready for 2021 Season

Sue Tannehill is sharing the good news that the new Quaker house at Chautauqua is ready for the 2021 Chautauqua Season. She writes: Dear Quakers and other interested F/friends, It is with great joy that we are now accepting requests to stay at Quaker House at Chautauqua for the 2021 season!!  Please note all visitors must be fully…

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