Spring Bulletin Now Available

The Spring LEYM Bulletin is now available here. Like recent Spring issues, it looks ahead to our Annual Meeting, on July 30 – August 2. This year, however, the Annual Meeting is virtual, which has led to many changes in the program and how we will share the experience. The Bulletin explains how meeting via Zoom will work, describes…

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2019 Epistle to Friends Everywhere

Epistle to all Friends  Lake Erie Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends  July 25-28, 2019 Bluffton University, Bluffton, Ohio   “(We) remain(s) a vibrant community of dedicated, caring, flawed and lovely Quakers. Gathering together for worship, study, fellowship or work strengthens our bonds and renews our spirits.  We face the uncertain future not afraid and…

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LEYM College Scholarship Fund

Do you have young Friends who are planning to attend a Quaker college or university during the 2019-20 school year? Lake Erie Yearly Meeting approved a new college scholarship fund for LEYM young adults who are pursuing an undergraduate degree or Quaker-related internship opportunity. The deadline is 9/30 this year! More information about criteria and next steps is available below.

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LEYM Annual Meeting

Announcement: The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held June 13-16 at Ashland University in Ohio. Annual Meeting Returns to Ashland University in 2024 LEYM is returning to Ashland Ohio for another in-person Annual Meeting to be held June 13-16, 2024. The theme this year will be “Friends Together: Outpourings of the Spirit” and we’ll be joined by singer/songwriter Paulette Meier,…

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