Summer LEYM-wide Worship Opportunity

Ministry and Nurture Committee is offering a chance to worship, by Zoom, with other members of LEYM on Wednesday evening, July 26, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Please enter in worship and join us as we gather virtually. Connect with Friends from across the region like we did in Ashland at Annual Meeting. There will be time for brief announcements after…

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Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting Gathers on May 20th

It’s almost here! On Saturday, May 20, Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting will gather in person at Ann Arbor Friends Meeting house for our Spring Quarterly Meeting. Hospitality will start at 9:30. Business begins at 10:00 a.m., with a presentation by Friend Brad Shaw at noon. BRING A BAGGED LUNCH if you need one. The business meeting and presentation will be…

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Spring LEYM Bulletin Now Available

The Spring LEYM Bulletin, which provides much information and registration materials for the 2023 Annual Meeting, is now available online (see and in the mail to meetings and worship groups. Please note that the registration deadline for Annual Meeting is May 10, and the gathering will take place at Ashland University, in Ashland, Ohio, June 15-18. We…

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Scholarship Funds Available – Deadline extended

Scholarship Funds for Attending Quaker Colleges and Universities or for Quaker Organizational Internships/Fellowships LEYM is committed to supporting young adult Friends who choose to attend Quaker colleges and universities for their undergraduate education, and for individuals who will be participating in a post-secondary internship or fellowship for a Quaker organization. LEYM has created an annual budget line item that can…

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New Series: Digital Issues Awareness for Friends

As part of our ongoing Interest Group Series, LEYM is offering a new series of workshops focusing on digital and online practices of possible concern for Friends. The three Saturday afternoon (2:00-3:30pm) workshops will be held January 14, February 11, and March 4th. See descriptions below. Presented by LEYM’s Digital Communications Facilitator, the sessions will draw heavily…

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GPQM offers Weathering the Storm one-day retreat on Oct. 29, 2022

Join us on Saturday, October 29, 2022, at the Michigan Friends Center near Chelsea for Weathering the Storm, a one-day, in-person retreat offered by Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting for Friends from throughout Michigan.For more than two years we have had very few opportunities to worship, learn, and connect in-person with Friends beyond our local meetings and worship groups. Weathering the…

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Celebrate World Quaker Day Oct 2nd

World Quaker Day will take place on Sunday October 2, 2022 with the theme Becoming the Quakers the World Needs. World Quaker Day is an annual event where we celebrate the diversity of Quakerism around the world and build connections to make our community stronger. For World Quaker Day 2022 the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) is encouraging…

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