LEYM-wide Meeting for Worship Upcoming on March 12th

Friends from across Lake Erie Yearly Meeting will be gathering online for a time of shared worship on Wednesday Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. The event is being sponsored by LEYM’s Ministry and Nurture Committee. We’d love to have you join us. We’ll be using this Zoom Link. Full Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87637944768?pwd=SEdFdUdaQzl3elFES0p6Y25VYnhUdz09 Zoom Meeting…

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Quakerism 101 Returns Feb 20th

We are looking forward to Tuesday, February 20 at 7pm, when the Ann Arbor Meeting will present a Quakerism 101 session on Guides to Faith and Practice written by Friends (get flyer here). The session will explore the history of how our non-creedal society came to create and use such documents; the experience of Friends who have created, developed, and revised these guides;…

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GPQM Midwinter Gathering to Feature Dwight Wilson

Midwinter Gathering of Green Pastures Quarterly MeetingSaturday, March 2, 9am – 1 pmSpeaker: Dwight Wilson“Answering the Call of My Twin Roots: Black and Quaker” Friends are invited to the Midwinter Gathering of Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting on Saturday, March 2nd. We will meet virtually via Zoom from 9 am to 1 pm, with time for worship, a presentation by Dwight…

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Apply Now for AFSC Emerging Leaders for Liberation 2024 Cohort

The American Friends Service Committee is now accepting applications for their hands-on learning program known as Emerging Leaders for Liberation. Each year a group of about 30 young adults join six online learning sessions and two in-person gatherings to deepen their social justice and leadership skills and build community. Applicants must be 18-22 years old as of April 1,…

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LEYM 2024 Call for Workshops Form

The Adult and Family Program Committee is excited about our upcoming Annual Meeting to be held June 13-16, 2024 at Ashland University and we’d like to invite interested Friends to consider being part of the program by submitting a proposal to offer a workshop. Our 2024 theme is “Friends Together: Outpourings of the Spirit” and our plenary presenter will be…

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