Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting planned for Saturday, Sept 17, 2022

The Fall Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting will be held online beginning at 10 a.m., Saturday, September 17, 2022. For the Zoom link, contact The meeting will feature a discussion on Quakers in business. Agenda Roll Call (Kevin Miller)Approval of previous meeting’s Minutes (Maryann Concannon)Treasurer’s report (Jeff Cooper)Finance Committee will present a proposed budget (Bob Orr)Nominating Committee (Peggy Daub)—Approval of…

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Celebrate World Quaker Day Oct 2nd

World Quaker Day will take place on Sunday October 2, 2022 with the theme Becoming the Quakers the World Needs. World Quaker Day is an annual event where we celebrate the diversity of Quakerism around the world and build connections to make our community stronger. For World Quaker Day 2022 the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) is encouraging…

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Announcement about Spiritual Formation 2022-2023

LEYM’s spiritual formation program will not be holding its fall retreat this year due to a number of stumbling blocks confronting the committee.  We encourage current spiritual formation groups to continue to meet throughout the coming year.  Many groups meet twice a month, once to share responses to material all group members are reading and once to share about their…

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Broadmead Fall Retreat

Broadmead Monthly Meeting Friends Fall RetreatOct. 28th – 30th 2022Retreat Theme: The Power of EnoughPresenter: Jackie Stillwell Friends are invited to join this in-person weekend retreat, to be held at the St. Francis Spirituality Center, 200 St Francis Ave, Tiffin, Ohio. Details and registration information are in the attached event announcement brochure. Biography of Jackie StillwellJackie Stillwell is the…

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Opening in Ann Arbor Friends Meeting’s Residential Community

The Quaker House Residential Community attached to the Ann Arbor Friends Meetinghouse has a vacancy. The house, near the University of Michigan’s central campus, has rooms for six residents. Shared kitchen, dining room, living room, laundry facilities, and backyard with vegetable garden. This intentional community strives to embody commitments to “multicultural/racial/ethnic/LGBTQ inclusivity; simple, economical, and environmentally friendly living; mature, stable…

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GPQM Summer Gathering, Sunday, August 7, 2022

Friends are invited to the Summer Gathering of Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting (GPQM), on Sunday, August 7, at Quaker Park in Battle Creek, Michigan. 11:00 meeting for worship under the trees, followed by a picnic and fellowship. Every year GPQM remembers the anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and celebrates peace in this historic Quaker meeting place. All…

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Spring Bulletin Now Available

The Spring issue of the Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Bulletin is now available in PDF form on the website ( This issue focuses on the upcoming Annual Meeting (July 27–31, via Zoom). It also includes a clerk’s message on how the Yearly Meeting might commence a Faith and Practice, a summary of actions taken at Representative Meeting,…

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GPQM Spring Meeting online May 21

The spring Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting will be online beginning at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 21, 2022. Contact to receive the Zoom link. We will hear from our Nominating Committee and receive other reports. Then our special presenter will be organic farmer Jane Bush, who will discuss how earth justice and Quaker testimonies influence her farming and associated…

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Reminder: LEYM Bulletin Submissions Due by May 15th

Our editors ask that contributors please submit items for the LEYM Spring Bulletin by Sunday, May 15.  This issue will include lots of information on the upcoming Annual Sessions, which will once again be virtual (July 27-31).  Reports and announcements reflecting the business of the Yearly Meeting are the most basic parts of the Bulletin.  We also feature reports on…

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