Anti-racism update from FGC

How are people in Friends General Conference (FGC) creating community that is accessible, equitable, and transformational? FGC’s task force on our “Institutional Assessment on Systemic Racism within FGC” offered this summary of the ongoing work as of November of 2018: “Two years after Friends General Conference’s governing body approved the initiation of an institutional assessment on systemic racism within FGC, a…

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Letter from Pittsburgh Friends Meeting

Posted 11/13/18 Dear Friends, We are so grateful for your words of support as well as your prayers for our community and our nation.  It makes a significant difference in these moments to be reminded of the connections we have with each other. Recognizing the unique role of guns in this violence, we approved the attached minute at our…

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Update on FGC’s Institutional Assessment on Racism Oct 2018

Posted 10/5/18 Lake Erie Yearly Meeting strongly supports FGC’s Institutional Assessment on Racism with both donations and participation. The Assessment is looking at where FGC Friends currently stand in being complicit with the institutionalized racism that permeates North American culture and how Quakers can move toward being anti-racist in our culture and institutions. Three Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Friends…

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Building culturally inclusive communities of faith

Emily Provance, a young Friend, has recently launched a new four-year ministry called Holy Experiments. She explains: “Holy Experiments is designed to support Friends with an aim toward following Spirit adventurously and building culturally inclusive communities of faith. This will happen in a variety of ways. One piece will be skill-building – looking at culture and structure methodically, with…

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Send used stamps to support Right Sharing of World Resources

Since 1996, the Quaker Missions Stamp Project has collected and sold used postage stamps and used the proceeds to fund Quaker organizations. Currently, Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) is the sole recipient. RSWR is an independent Quaker not-for-profit organization pursuing the abundance of God’s love through wealth redistribution. RSWR funds micro-enterprise projects with marginalized women in Kenya, India,…

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Quaker actions for Human Rights

December is Human Rights Month. How can your meeting promote the cause of human rights throughout the year? Here are action steps to consider provided by FGC: Compose queries for your worship community to discern during Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Business, and during quiet moments for reflection in daily life. Approve a Minute on Human Rights. This…

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FGC resources to help families live sustainably

In the age of instant gratification, technological dependency, and mottos like “bigger is better,” a question arises that becomes more urgent with each passing moment: How, right now, can we live more sustainable lives? Friends General Conference has pulled together written resources for families who wish to live more lightly on the earth. They include: Can We Live Sustainably?…

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