Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s Harassment Policy

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting wants to make its Annual Gathering and other committee meetings, visits, and programs free of harassment. This policy addresses a number of forms of harassment, described within the policy. Our consciousness of the need to prevent and respond to these types of harassment has been heightened by our realization that such behavior does occur at…

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2019 Epistle to Friends Everywhere

Epistle to all Friends  Lake Erie Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends  July 25-28, 2019 Bluffton University, Bluffton, Ohio   “(We) remain(s) a vibrant community of dedicated, caring, flawed and lovely Quakers. Gathering together for worship, study, fellowship or work strengthens our bonds and renews our spirits.  We face the uncertain future not afraid and…

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LEYM College Scholarship Fund

Do you have young Friends who are planning to attend a Quaker college or university during the 2019-20 school year? Lake Erie Yearly Meeting approved a new college scholarship fund for LEYM young adults who are pursuing an undergraduate degree or Quaker-related internship opportunity. The deadline is 9/30 this year! More information about criteria and next steps is available below.

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Vacancy in Ann Arbor’s Quaker House Residential Community

Friends are invited to apply to join Ann Arbor Meeting’s Quaker House Residential Community (QHRC), which has a vacancy opening sometime in August. Quaker House adjoins the Ann Arbor Friends Meetinghouse on a lot near the edge of the University of Michigan main campus. The QHRC typically has 5–6 members of various ages, some of whom are Friends. Learn…

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Draft Revisions to Policies and Procedures

At the fall Executive Committee meeting, Mathilda Navias and Jeff Cooper agreed to consider needed updates to our Policies and Procedures manual. They have compiled a six-page document that groups suggested changes in four categories: A) those requiring discernment by the Meeting; B) those recognizing changes in current practice; C) policies and procedures already approved but not yet included; and D) minor…

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Silence, Contemplation, and Scripture – Pendle Hill Retreat July 11-14 2019

Kairos: Silence, Contemplation, and Scripture A spiritual retreat based on the monastic practice of worshiping, working, and studying while experiencing the dynamic of solitude and community living. July 11-14, 2019 Thursday evening through Sunday noon Register by May 1 for early-bird discount. Facilitated by Francisco Burgos For more information, visit Kairos Pendle Hill, 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford,…

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Funds Available for Travel to Conferences Reflecting Quaker Values

At the LEYM Annual Sessions in 2018, $1,000 was designated in the budget to assist Friends to attend conferences that reflect Quaker values. Conferences reflecting Quaker values can be conferences developed by or sponsored by Quaker groups or conferences whose purposes are closely aligned with Quaker testimonies, such as peace, equality, integrity, and simplicity. These funds are not meant to…

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GPQM Spring Gathering May 11, 2019

Green Pastures Quarterly Meeting (GPQM) Spring Gathering will be held at the Michigan Friends Center on Saturday, May 11, 2019, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This gathering will include a meeting for worship for the conduct of business in which we’ll consider a proposal for a new structure for GPQM and a new slate of officers. The program after lunch, which will be…

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