Spiritual Formation Retreats

Spiritual Formation Program (Learn More)

A Sampler of Spiritual Disciplines

The spiritual formation committee is delighted that we will be back at the Weber Center in Adrian, Michigan for our fall spiritual formation retreat. We welcome all Friends throughout Lake Erie Yearly Meeting to join us.

Mystical Experience and Quakerism, a weekend retreat Sept 6-8, 2024

Weber Center is situated on 100 acres of wooded land on the campus of the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Motherhouse in southeast Michigan. You can find more information about the center at https://webercenter.org/.

Weber Center has single and double rooms for sleeping, each with its own bathroom. There is a place on the registration form for you to check which room you prefer. The cost for the retreat, including room and meals, is $200 if you choose to room by yourself in a single room and $160 if you choose to room with a Friend in a double room.

LEYM’s spiritual formation program runs from September through May. It includes a fall retreat, nine months of meeting in local groups, and a closing retreat in the spring with a Zoom mid-year gathering in January. All members in pre-existing groups are encouraged to attend the retreats. And for those new to the program and not already in a group, new groups will be formed and offered at the fall retreat. You can find out more about LEYM’s spiritual formation program here or by contacting Sally Weaver Sommer at sallyweaversommer@gmail.com or Ellerie Brownfain at ellerieb@gmail.com.

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