Resources for Ministry and Nurture

Ministry and Nurture of LEYM will be hosting sessions of a Clerks’ Chat via Zoom. We invite Monthly Meeting Clerks, Assistant Clerks, and Worship Group Conveners to join us for any or all of the 1 ½ hour sessions. These will be a time of fellowship and informal conversations on topics of interest and concern to those attending at each…

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Print Resources for Meetings

Guidelines for Conduct in Meeting for Business (Word doc) List of books & pamphlets on clerking and other topics helpful to meeting clerks: LEYM Clerks Book List (Word doc) The Bulletin LEYM’s newsletter, The Bulletin, comes out 3 times a year in the winter, spring, and fall. Individuals can sign up to…

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Resources for Religious Education

The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is a grassroots network of Friends from all branches of Quakerism who hold a sense of stewardship for life-long Quaker faith formation through religious education. The web site offers many resources, including videos, as well as links to additional resources. A few samples: Considerations When Choosing and Using…

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LEYM Committee Resources

Resources for LEYM committees and committee clerks FGC Best Practice for Virtual Meetings (PDF) March 2020 Resources for Managing Conflict (PDF) November 2020 Q&A for LEYM Committee Clerks (PDF) April 2017 Resources & Good Practices for LEYM Committee Clerks (Doc)…

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LEYM Resources for Meetings & Worship Groups

Contact information for Meeting Clerks & Worship Group Conveners For a map, list, and information for all meetings and worship groups within LEYM, use the “Meetings & WGs” tab at the top of most pages. There is an e-mail list for LEYM monthly meeting clerks and worship group conveners. It is updated every summer based on the information in each…

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Info for Meeting Clerks

Information for Meeting Clerks and Worship Group Conveners Contact Information View contact information for other meeting clerks and worship group conveners View contact information for officers and others in LEYM Documents List of Books & Pamphlets on Clerking (PDF format) Guidelines for Conduct in Meeting for Business (PDF format) Notes from the 2009…

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Resources for Peace & Justice

LEYM’s Peace & Justice Committee welcomes interested LEYM Friends to its meetings and its work. Movement toward becoming an anti-racist Quaker society LEYM has begun to delve more seriously into issues of racism. For the past several years, LEYM has engaged in self education through workshops and keynote speakers on racial justice or related issues such as incarceration and refugees…

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Resources for Earthcare

The materials on this page are provided by LEYM’s Earthcare Committee. July 2019.  This update  was provided in preparation for the 2019 annual sessions and Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s action on climate change.  At the April 2019 Representatives’ Meeting held at Ann Arbor Friends Meeting, the yearly meeting discerned taking action about the climate crisis. That…

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Resources for Outreach

The materials on this page are provided by LEYM’s Advancement & Outreach Committee A list of suggestions for strengthening your meeting or worship group and making it more open and welcoming Updated 2017 (DOC) What Makes a Welcoming Meeting graphic illustration (with a focus on youth inclusion) and Inclusion 101 (an audio podcast from 2020)…

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