Peace and Justice Committee 2025 Seminar Series
The rejuvenated Peace and Justice Committee has reached out to LEYM monthly meetings and surveyed the current state of P&J work at the monthly meeting level. Results suggest that it would be a good time to provide support to local meeting efforts to either revive or sustain their P&J work.
Situation: Multiple national crisis is currently unfolding under new government leadership and it has stirred strong feeling among Friends
Background: Quaker Peace Testimony typically responds to this breach of trust with non-violent direct action – but how to make an impact with so many concerns rising all at once?
Assessment: Friends can stimulate and support our Monthly Meeting justice and peace work by:
- Helping them organize for effective response through a P&J committee
- Educating folks in practice of non-violent alternatives, and
- Advocating for Friends participation in alliance with community-based initiatives
Stimulating DO-able Justice and Peace Work in Our Monthly Meetings: a workshop series
Response: LEYM P&J Committee will host two free 2025 workshop sessions helping monthly meetings establish or sustain their P&J committee. We will meet online on the afternoons of April 6th and 27th (two hours each) to discuss firsthand experiences of Monthly Meetings successfully:
- Session 1: Sunday April 6th – 2 to 4pm
Forming, developing, and sustaining effective justice and peace work without committee “overwhelm and burnout.”
Zoom Access: - Session 2: Sunday April 27th – 2 to 4pm
Finding unity and resources needed when deciding on justice and peace work priorities
Zoom Access:
FOR MORE INFO: Don Buckingham, Sr