LEYM Resources for Meetings & Worship Groups

    • Contact information for Meeting Clerks & Worship Group Conveners
    • For a map, list, and information for all meetings and worship groups within LEYM, use the “Meetings & WGs” tab at the top of most pages.
    • There is an e-mail list for LEYM monthly meeting clerks and worship group conveners. It is updated every summer based on the information in each group’s Annual Statistical Report. If you have taken over as clerk or convener, let the Digital Communications Facilitator know. You will be added to the e-mail list.
    • To publicize a meeting event or share your news with other Friends in LEYM, send a brief notice to the Digital Communications Facilitator.  A form has been developed to make collecting and sharing event information easier for all. See it at the LEYM Event Planning Page.
      • The Digital Communications Facilitator (DCF) will post it and it will appear in the right column of the Home page in the recent posts section, and an e-mail will be sent to everyone who has signed up to receive news posts. (To sign yourself up, use the “Subscribe” form at the bottom of the homepage.)
      • If desired, the DCF can send an e-mail to meeting clerks, worship group conveners, and meeting representatives.
    • LEYM Print Resources for meetings and worship groups
    • Earlham School of Religion faculty can provide leadership for workshops, retreats, visioning sessions, and seminars as part of ESR’s Traveling Ministries program.
    • Also check out the links to Other Quaker Websites

List of Information requested annually from monthly meetings and worship groups

Information Request

You should
receive by

Due Date

Send to

Response to Annual Queries (optional)
beginning of September
Jan 15
Clerk of Ministry & Nurture
State of the Meeting Report
April 30
Clerk of Ministry & Nurture
Statistical Report
July 15
Database Manager
Memorial Minutes (if any)
August 26
Clerk of Publications & Archives

About the annual queries
Suggested Guidelines for the State of the Meeting Report
About the Annual Statistical Report
About Memorial Minutes

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