LEYM Harassment Discernment Committee Contact Information

LEYM now has a Harassment Discernment Committee. If a Friend ever feels she or he has been poorly or unfairly treated because of gender, race, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, or any other factor, he or she can reach out to this committee. Friends who witness harassment are also encouraged to reach out. Of course, if it is safe to do so, Friends are encouraged to seek direct, positive solutions first. The complete LEYM harassment discernment policy is attached (Docx version) (PDF version).

LEYM Harassment Discernment Committee

Aran Reinhart
Email: aranreinhart at yahoo.com.
Phone: 419-619-6810

Pamela Moore
Phone: 215-593-6795

Mark Hoover
Email: mhoover at umich.edu

Peter Wood
Email: petrosh.wood at gmail.com
Phone: 517 881-6845.

Kate Enger
Email: psychdrkate at gmail.com
Phone: (740) 591-7255

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