LEYM Seeks Database Manager

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting is seeking a part-time database manager, with an immediate opening. The pay is $26/hour.  The job description is below. The database manager is named by the Nominating Committee to serve a three-year term,  renewable indefinitely, usually one year at a time. The database manager works under the oversight of the Publications & Archives Committee, but is not necessarily…

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FCNL Opportunities for Young Adults

The Friends Committee on National Legislation has opportunities for young adults to work for peace and justice. Advocacy CorpsYoung adults (19-30 years old) lead local grassroots campaigns to influence members of Congress. Participants receive a financial stipend and commit to 25 hours a month for 10 months plus a 10-day immersive training in community organizing, media outreach, and…

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FWCC Seeks New General Secretary

The Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has opened a global search for its next General Secretary. They ask: Are you ready to provide both spiritual and administrative leadership to FWCC’s small and thriving international Quaker organization? Applications due by Jan 4, 2021. To find out more, and how to apply, to go here. http://fwcc.world/about-fwcc/general-secretary-search…

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School of the Spirit Job Opening

The School of the Spirit is seeking a new administrator, and we want to reach out to as many Quakers as we can to search for interested candidates. The position is part time, with $27,000 annual recompense. We have no geographical requirement for this person. Our last administrator lived in Durham, NC, and our current one lives in Lancaster, PA.

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Seeking a Database Manager

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting is seeking a database manager, to commence work at rise of Annual Sessions (August 2). The pay is $20 per hour. A job description follows. The database manager is named by the Nominating Committee to serve a three-year term, renewable indefinitely, usually one year at a time. The database manager works under the oversight of the…

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