AVP Workshops Offered in Ann Arbor this August

A message from the Peace and Justice Committee of Ann Arbor Friends Meeting Dear Friends,YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO ATTEND ALTERNATIVES TO VIOLENCE (AVP) TRAININGS in Ann Arbor! Two Alternatives to Violence Project training sessions, one Basic (Aug 9-11) and one Advanced (Aug 16-19) have been scheduled, co-hosted by the Justice Action Group, and the Peace and Justice committee of…

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Shared Quaker Vision for Peace in Israel and Palestine

On April 12th, eight Quaker organizations released a new statement entitled “A Different Future is Possible: Shared Quaker Vision for Peace in Israel and Palestine.” The organizations are the American Friends Service Committee, Canadian Friends Service Committee, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Friends World Committee for Consultation, Quakers in Britain, Quaker Council on European Affairs, Quaker Peace and Social…

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Quaker Call to Action Update

The Quaker Call to Action group has issued an update and Alert and ask that Friends consider taking action in ways that they are moved to. An upcoming September 28 Zoom call will feature words from Parker Palmer. Here’s the latest announcement from the group. Update, July 2023 The Urgent Call Steering Committee continues to…

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April Interest Group Explores Michigan’s First Peoples Campaigns

Michigan’s First People’s Social and Environmental Justice Campaigns Saturday, April 9 2:00-3:30 PM The April PJ&E program will feature talks by two leaders in Michigan’s First Peoples campaigns. A spokesperson from the Anishinaabek Caucus will discuss their environmental campaigns, including opposition to the Enbridge Line 5 across the Mackinac Strait, other legislative campaigns for clean water,…

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FCNL 2021 Report to Yearly Meetings

The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) has released their 2021 Report to Yearly Meetings. Many Friends within LEYM have been active on FCNL Advocacy Teams or via participation in some of FCNL’s ongoing events series. This report includes some of the highlights of this year’s work, made possible by the advocacy, engagement, and financial support of…

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Quaker actions for Human Rights

December is Human Rights Month. How can your meeting promote the cause of human rights throughout the year? Here are action steps to consider provided by FGC: Compose queries for your worship community to discern during Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Business, and during quiet moments for reflection in daily life. Approve a Minute on Human Rights. This…

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