Announcement about Spiritual Formation 2022-2023

LEYM’s spiritual formation program will not be holding its fall retreat this year due to a number of stumbling blocks confronting the committee.  We encourage current spiritual formation groups to continue to meet throughout the coming year.  Many groups meet twice a month, once to share responses to material all group members are reading and once to share about their spiritual condition.  We recommend that groups consider using a book titled Imagination & Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader, edited by J. Brent Bill and available through  The book includes selections from writings of popular twentieth and twenty-first century Quaker writers: Thomas Kelly, Douglas Steere, D. Elton Trueblood, James Michener, Jessamyn West, Jan de Hartog, Daisy Newman, Tom Mullen, Richard Foster, Phil Gulley, Scott Russell Sanders, Elizabeth Gray Vining, Elfrida Vipont Foulds, and David Yount. 

The spiritual formation committee is getting ready to plan for the 2023-2024 fall and spring retreats.  To function effectively, the committee needs new members.  Please consider joining the committee to help create meaningful retreats to deepen the lives of Friends across LEYM.  To express interest in joining us or to ask questions about the work of the committee, please contact one of the current committee members:

Ellerie Brownfain at

Kathleen Helbling at

Sally Weaver Sommer at

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