Read Epistles from Friends around the globe

As groups of Quakers gather in their annual sessions, they often write something known as an “Epistle” that is then shared with other Friends around the world. Back in the 17th century the Quaker movement revived the Gospel use of this word to mean an advisory or admonitory letter, sent to a group of people. In modern usage, you can think of an Epistle as a public letter of greeting and ministry. Such letters are sent from a Friends meeting or organization to other Friends groups, to supply information, spiritual insight, and encouragement.

The best way to read annual Epistles from across the globe is to visit the Friends World Committee on Consultation (FWCC) website where they collect and share Epistles from Friends Groups Around the World. Recent 2021 submissions include those from Netherlands Yearly Meeting, Switzerland Yearly Meeting, the General Meeting of Friends in Mexico, Aotearoa New Zealand Yearly Meeting, and Sweden Yearly Meeting, as well as South Central Yearly Meeting and Southeastern Yearly Meeting from the United States.

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting collects our own annual Epistles to other Friends here.

Image of first page of Epistle from Pennsylvania Quakers 1776 Yearly Meeting.
Epistle from 1776 Quakers in Pennsylvania

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