Prior Years – Spiritual Formation Retreats

2023-24Letting Our Lives Speak: Using Words When Necessary – Marty Grundy
2022-23No Retreat – Individual Groups reviewed a book titled Imagination & Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader
2020-21Going Deeper Together – Marcelle Martin
2019-20Meetings as Crucibles and Incubators – Joann Neuroth
2018-19A Spiritual Spa – Mathilda Navias, Kate Enger, Della Stanley-Green, Aran Reinhart
2017-18Forgiveness as a Spiritual Practice – Sue Regen
2016-17Spiritual Companions from the Past: John Woolman, Caroline Stephen, & Howard Thurman – Della Stanley-Green
2015-16Experiment with Light – Jo Ann Seaver
2014-15The Gospel of John: Stories of What God’s Love Looks Like – Eric Evans
2013-14Nurturing our Spiritual Life through the Practice of a Spiritual Discipline — Della Stanley-Green
2012-13The Spiritual Practice of Dialogue: Speaking our Truths and Hearing Where Words Come From — Merry Stanford
2011-12Healing in the Manner of Friends — Richard Lee
2010-11Companions Along the Way — Patricia Thomas
2009-10Spiritual Nurture — Michael Birkel
2008-09Grounding our Spirituality in Nature: Strengthening our Connections with the Source of Nourishment and Refreshment — Connie Lezenby
2007-08Going the Other Half: Submission and Discipline in Our Meetings — Kristina and Callid Keefe-Perry
2006-07A Year of Living Prayerfully — Phil Fitz and Beckey Phipps
2005-06Living in the Presence — Beckey Phipps
2004-05Discernment of Gifts — Susan Jeffers
2003-04The Blessed Community — Deborah Fisch & Elaine Emily

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