LEYM Bulletin Seeks Submissions


Please send articles, essays, reports, or artwork for Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s Winter 2021 Bulletin to the editors, Jeff Cooper and Peggy Daub, by Friday, January 15, 2021 (send to bulletinleym@gmail.com)  

As always, we welcome items reflecting the business of the Yearly Meeting, such as reports and announcements from committees.  Reports on activities in monthly meetings or worship groups are of interest as well.

A new idea:  A Friend suggested that they would like to see things other Friends have made during quarantine for the Coronavirus.  We agree, and so invite submissions of new creations from the pandemic, including creative writing such as essays, memoirs, or poetry, visual creations such as drawings, paintings, or photography, or photographs of 3D objects such as sewing/quilting/ knitting/crochet projects, woodworking, or any other means you have used to be creative since March 2020.

Jeff Cooper & Peggy Daub, co-editors, LEYM Bulletin

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