Alternatives to Violence (AVP) Basic Workshop Upcoming Feb 16-18 in Columbus, OH

This workshop, open to Friends throughout LEYM, builds community and skills for personal practice and change that we need to stand up to violence in ourselves and others and to create just, peaceful homes and communities. Get the promotional flyer here.

SAVE THE DATE: Weekend of February 16th -18th, 2024 – 18 hours
Program Sessions:
Friday Feb 16: 5-6pm meet & greet; 6-9pm session
Saturday Feb 17: 9:00 – 12:00pm; 1:00 – 4:00pm; 5:00 – 8:00pm sessions
Sunday Feb 18: 9:00 – 12:00pm; 1:00 – 4:00pm sessions

FPT Facilitators: Nadine Hoover; Melanie Siaw; Timothy Dzurilla

Participants: Diversity of age and background encouraged to attend. For each community or group, it is best to bring 2-3 people. This is a personal and community practice, and we cannot do it alone.

Food: Meals & beverages provided

Hospitality Home Stays & Transportation:
North Columbus Friends Meeting people will host facilitators & out of town visitors needing hospitality or public transportation pick-up/drop-off

Held at: North Broadway United Methodist Church
48 E North Broadway; Columbus, OH 43214

Cost: Sliding scale registration fee: $10 – $50; no one turned away if unable to pay – fees for food & facility rental.

Registration: Download this attached .docx form to register.

For More Info – CONTACT: Don Buckingham,; 614-517-9700

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