Reminder: LEYM Bulletin Submissions Due by May 15th

Our editors ask that contributors please submit items for the LEYM Spring Bulletin by Sunday, May 15.  This issue will include lots of information on the upcoming Annual Sessions, which will once again be virtual (July 27-31). 

Reports and announcements reflecting the business of the Yearly Meeting are the most basic parts of the Bulletin.  We also feature reports on activities in monthly meetings or worship groups and welcome writings and art from individuals pertaining to their spiritual life.  

Last year, all three issues of the LEYM Bulletin included articles on anti-racist actions taken by monthly meetings.  Hoping to continue this practice in 2022, we welcome minutes approved by meetings or actions taken, whether these involve outreach, reparations, investments, or other practices that seek to abolish racism in our meetings and beyond.   Please send items for Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s Spring 2022 Bulletin to the editors, Jeff Cooper and Peggy Daub, by Sunday, May 15, 2022. (Send to   Thank you!

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