2020 Annual Records Now Available

The 2020 edition of the Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Annual Records has at last been published. Among the features are minutes and reports from both the Representative Meeting in April and the Annual Sessions in July/August, a full slate of committee officers, committee members, and representatives, and useful information on all of our monthly meetings and worship groups, giving details of meeting times, websites, and names of those serving the meetings. Also included is a directory of contact information for those active in Yearly Meeting and officers and committee clerks in monthly meetings.

The closing of our meetinghouses during the coronavirus pandemic has made distribution of paper copies difficult. In response, we have printed many fewer copies of Lake Erie Yearly Meeting’s Annual Records but are making it freely available as a PDF file. At least two paper copies of the Annual Records were sent to each monthly meeting, as well as one to each worship group.

If you would like to receive a PDF copy of the Annual Records, please contact Jeff Cooper, editor, at cooperdaub@hotmail.com, providing your email address so he can mail you the file as an attachment. There are a few additional paper copies for those who want the information in that format. Contact Jeff Cooper to request a paper copy.

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