Looking Deeply at Thanksgiving event

English colonists first touched land on New England soil some 400 years ago.

The 400 Years Project, Beacon Hill Friends House, and Justice & Witness Ministries of the S. New England UCC are offering a unique opportunity to hear and reflect on Indigenous voices around Thanksgiving next week. The program will be led by two Wampanoag leaders joined by two allied faith leaders active in decolonization work in the New England region.
(Note: Gail Melix is a member of Sandwich Meeting and co-clerk of NEYM Earthcare Ministries Committee and Leslie Manning is a member of Durham Meeting, clerk of NEYM Permanent Board, and one of the authors of NEYM’s draft “Letter of Apology to Native Americans”.)

Event Details
Thursday, Nov. 19th 7:00 pm Eastern Time
“Looking Deeply at Thanksgiving” – an interactive zoom program and benefit for Native Land Conservancy
details and registration at: https://www.bhfh.org/looking-deeply-at-thanksgiving

Background materials: https://interfaithopportunities.org/400-years-thanksgiving

All are welcome!

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