High School Teen Retreat Program

The High School Teen Retreat Program is currently in abeyance.

A committee is appointed, but does no work.

What It Is

The Lake Erie Yearly Meeting High School Teen Retreat Program consists of roughly four retreats per year (generally one each fall, winter, spring and summer). The retreats consist of a group of high school teens spending time together for a weekend under the care of a group of “FAPs” (Friendly Adult Presences). Each retreat includes a workshop and/or theme as well as time for things like making music, dancing, Wink, Meeting for Worship, Business Meeting, movies, Worship Sharing, and just plain hanging-out together.Teens are eligible to attend retreats as participants if they are currently in grades 9-12. Summer retreats are open to those who are about to start 9th grade in the fall through those who just graduated from 12th grade in the spring. Retreats occur throughout the LEYM region (and occasionally slightly outside of it). One of the retreats has historically been the annual “Quake that Rocked the Midwest” outside of Chicago, IL over Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend each January, which attracts groups of teens from several Midwest yearly meetings.

You can apply for help from Lake Erie Yearly Meeting to finance your participation in a retreat: LEYM Youth Activities Fund Application

Sample Schedule for weekend retreat

Quake that Rocked the Midwest 2017

January 13-16, 2017
Evanston Meeting
1010 Greenleaf Street
Evanston, IL (just north of Chicago)

Announcement & Registration Form
Permission Form

Summer 2015 Teen Service Weekend

June 26-28
Cass Community Social Service in Detroit

Spring 2015 Teen Retreat

April 24-26, 2015
North Columbus Friends Meeting

Winter 2014-15 Teen Retreat: Quake that Rocked the Midwest

January 16-18, 2015
Evanston Meeting
1010 Greenleaf Street
Evanston, IL (just north of Chicago)

Fall 2014 Teen Retreat

November 7-9, 2014
Ann Arbor Friends Meeting
1420 Hill Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Summer 2014 Teen Retreat

Detroit, MI
July 18-20, 2014
Service Project with CASS Community Social Services

Spring 2014 Teen Retreat

March 28-30
Pittsburgh Monthly Meeting
4836 Ellsworth Ave.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Summer 2014 Teen Retreat

June 13-15, 2014
North Columbus Friends Meeting
1954 Indianola Ave.
Columbus, OH

Winter High School Teen Retreat:

Quake that Rocked the Midwest

January 17-20, 2014
Evanston Meeting
1010 Greenleaf Street
Evanston, IL (just north of Chicago)

2013 Fall Retreat

November 15-17, 2013
Athens Friends Meeting
22 Birge Drive, Chauncey, OH 45719

Spring Retreat: Quake that Rocked Earlham College

May 24-27, 2013
Earlham College
Richmond, IN

Winter High School Teen Retreat:

Quake that Rocked the Midwest

January 18-21, 2013
Evanston Meeting
1010 Greenleaf Street
Evanston, IL (just north of Chicago)

Fall High School Teen Retreat

Friday, November 9th-Sunday, November 11th, 2012
Red Cedar Friends Meeting House
Lansing, Mich.

Teen Retreat in Chicago MLK Weekend

Our 2011 Winter Retreat will be held in Chicago over MLK Jr. weekend.

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting 2011 Fall Teen Retreat

Attached is the retreat announcement for the Fall 2011 Teen Retreat to be held Friday October 21 –Sunday, October 23 2011 at the Cleveland Friends Meeting House, Cleveland, OH. Includes a trip to Cedar Point!

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting 2011 Spring Teen Retreat

High school teens are cordially invited to the Lake Erie Yearly Meeting 2011 Spring Teen Retreat Friday, March 25 – Monday, March 28 at Olney Friends School, Barnesville, OH.

Theme: Creating a Culture of Peace Cost: $40/person Includes weekend program and all meals. Additional contributions welcome. Make checks payable to Lake Erie Yearly Meeting. We do not want costs to be a barrier preventing teens from attending. Monthly Meetings are encouraged to help teens attend. LEYM also has a limited amount of financial assistance available. Ask your meeting for their help and contact Cari if you still need help.

Workshop Details: We will be doing a modified version of the Creating a Culture of Peace (CCP) curriculum. The full training takes three days. Creating a Culture of Peace was developed by Janet Chisholm, a nationally recognized leader in faith based peacemaking and nonviolence, inspired by Pace e Bene’s book, From Violence to Wholeness. She wanted to develop an interactive, experience-based program without a lot of reading – one that would build community and promote action and project planning over the course of a long weekend. Using a popular education approach CCP explores the nature of violence and its misuses; increase awareness of how active nonviolence can be used; understand social change movements as engines for change; consider the values of community and identify steps and tools for planning nonviolent actions.

Workshop Leader: Scilla Wahrhaftig, Program Director American Friends Service Committee PA

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