Seeking a Database Manager

Lake Erie Yearly Meeting is seeking a database manager, to commence work at rise of Annual Sessions (August 2). The pay is $20 per hour. A job description follows.

The database manager is named by the Nominating Committee to serve a three-year term, renewable indefinitely, usually one year at a time. The database manager works under the oversight of the Publications & Archives Committee, but is not necessarily a member of that committee. Below is a summary of the tasks; find more specific details in Policies and Procedures.

  • Maintains and updates the LEYM database, currently in Microsoft Access. (A working knowledge of Access is required.)
  • Provides current contact information for LEYM Friends to LEYM officers and committee clerks, as needed.
  • Provides a directory for the Annual Records from Annual Meeting reports, monthly meetings, and worship groups.
  • Provides to Friends General Conference a list of addresses for members and active attenders annually, on request.
  • Prepares annual statistical report forms to be completed by quarterly, monthly, and preparative meetings and worship groups. The database manager updates the database with the new information and provides current information for the “Find a Meeting” section on LEYM’s website.

Interested? Please communicate with Jo Posti, clerk (

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