Scholarship Funds Available – Deadline extended

Scholarship Funds for Attending Quaker Colleges and Universities or for Quaker Organizational Internships/Fellowships

LEYM is committed to supporting young adult Friends who choose to attend Quaker colleges and universities for their undergraduate education, and for individuals who will be participating in a post-secondary internship or fellowship for a Quaker organization. LEYM has created an annual budget line item that can be used to support students who meet all of the following criteria:

  • Applicant participates in the life of a monthly meeting or worship group that is a member of LEYM.
  • Applicant is attending a member institution of the Friends Association for Higher Education as a degree-seeking student or is participating in a post-secondary internship or fellowship for a Quaker organization such as Quaker Voluntary Service, Friends Committee on National Legislation, American Friends Service Committee, Quaker United Nations Office, or Quaker Experiential Service and Training.
  • Applicant will be a student or intern/fellow during the school year following disbursement.

For consideration, applicants must send the LEYM treasurer the following:

  • Letter from their monthly meeting clerk or worship group convener affirming their support and sharing how the applicant has participated in Quaker life, such as participation within their faith community or with Quaker camps or organizations.
  • Proof of registration at one of the institutions listed above. This can be a print-out of their class registration or letter from the registrar.
  • Address of office that check should be sent to, along with student ID number or any additional information the treasurer should include when sending the check to the institution. In the case of an internship, the check will be sent directly to the student to offset living expenses.

Deadline: Normally the application deadline is March 1, but for 2023, deadline has been extended to April 30, 2023. All materials should be received by the treasurer by that date. All eligible applicants will be considered with the line item in LEYM’s budget being evenly divided among them. If there are no applicants during a particular year, the funds can roll over and will be made available in subsequent years. Applicants may apply for each year of enrollment or internship. The maximum scholarship per recipient per year is $2000. Materials can be sent to: Tom Kangas, Treasurer, 3641 Weston Place, Columbus, OH 43214 or emailed to

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