Resources for Religious Education

The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative

The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is a grassroots network of Friends from all branches of Quakerism who hold a sense of stewardship for life-long Quaker faith formation through religious education.

The web site offers many resources, including videos, as well as links to additional resources.

A few samples:

  • Considerations When Choosing and Using Books in First Day School
  • An Introduction to the Life of Jesus for Quakers, Inspired by the Musical Godspell
  • Quaker History Children’s Plays, by the children of Southern Illinois Friends Meeting
  • Singing the Christmas Story
  • Nurturing Children’s Spiritual Lives

QREC’s Resources Catalog

From New England Yearly Meeting

First Day School Resources are grouped in the following categories:

(Re)Starting a FDS
New Shapes of FDS – new models for First Day School
First Day School Lesson Bank
Book Reviews
Community Safety
Lesson and Curriculum Writing Support
Tool Kit: Attendance Form and Calendar

From FGC

First Day School Tool Kit – Includes many resources, including:

Starting, Re-starting, or Revitalizing a First Day School
Activity Pages
Faith & Play
Quaker First Day School for Busy People
Helping Prepare Children and Teenagers for Quaker Worship
Tools for Building Lessons

Community building and energizing activities for teens and older

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