Representative Meeting: All are Invited March 11th

Representative Meeting is about Representation! Join us virtually OR in person in Toledo for a hybrid meeting on Saturday, March 11. In the morning, there will be opportunities for Friends from all LEYM Monthly Meetings to have conversations in groups and as a whole about what is rising in their Meetings – challenges, gifts, leadings that might resonate with others. There might be space to talk with other people wrestling with new forms of First Day School or innovating hybrid approaches to programming. Bring what’s on your mind! Whether or not you’re “officially” a representative for your Meeting, you are welcome.

During the afternoon, we will have meeting for worship with attention to business – always rich and good to see how Spirit is moving us collectively. We hope to see you there.

The In-Person Meeting will be at The Victory Center, 3166 Republic Blvd. N., Toledo, OH 43615, hosted by Broadmead Meeting. A light breakfast and lunch will be offered for those who register in advance. A donation of $10 for meals will be appreciated. Friends attending in person and wanting lunch and/or overnight hospitality should register by February 25 using this form. For later registrants, there are restaurants ten minutes away.

Online Meeting will also be happening via Zoom. See the Representative Meeting page for details about online registration, links, etc.

Schedule for Saturday, March 11:

Registration & simple breakfast …..9:00 AM
Meeting for worship …………………….9:30 AM (Hybrid/blended meeting begins)
Greeting & Announcements ……….10:00 AM
Morning program……………………….10:15 AM
Lunch ………………………………………12:15 PM
Meeting for business ……………………1:15 PM
Adjournment by ………………………….4:30 PM

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