Representative Meeting

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LEYM holds a Representative Meeting in the spring to handle business that has arisen since the previous Annual Sessions and to consider and season matters for the next Annual Sessions. Representative Meeting may make decisions concerning any matter except those specifically reserved for Annual Sessions (see Policies & Procedures Manual), and may forward any matter to Annual Sessions with a recommendation.

Monthly Meetings are encouraged to have at least two people from their MFW in attendance so that at least a few Friends from each meeting will attend, participate, and report back. A representative comes with knowledge about his or her meeting and its concerns, but is not bound by instructions. Representatives need to be open to the leadings of the Spirit, just as they would be in any Quaker business meeting. Members of standing committees and officers of the yearly meeting are expected to attend. In addition, any member or attender within LEYM who wishes may participate.

2025 Representative Meeting: March 8 in Pittsburgh
See Registration Flyer Here

Representative Meeting is about Representation. Join us virtually OR in person for a hybrid meeting on Saturday, March 8. The meeting will be held at the Pittsburgh Friends Meetinghouse at 4836 Ellsworth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. In the morning, there will be opportunities for Friends from ALL LEYM Monthly Meetings to have Face to Face conversations in groups or committees to talk about monthly or yearly meeting issues. Whether or not you “officially” represent your monthly meeting, you are welcome to participate. While we may not be able to provide a virtual connection for morning small groups, we welcome your participation. Morning Meeting for Worship and afternoon Meeting for Worship with attention to business WILL BE hybrid. See Schedule below. Registration flyer is here (please respond by Feb 22nd).

Zoom Access:

Meeting ID: 470 962 3265 Password: 7R34Lq

Schedule for Friday, March 7 Executive Meeting

  • 6:30 pm – Supper
  • 7:15 pm – Executive Committee Business Meeting

Schedule for Saturday, March 8, 2025

  • 9:00-9:30 am Simple Breakfast
  • 9:30-10:00 Meeting for Worship
  • 10:00-10:15 Greetings and Announcements
  • 10:15-10:45 Tour and Presentation regarding changes to the Pittsburgh Meetinghouse
  • 10:45-11:00 Break
  • 11:00-12:00 Presentation and Discussion of A&O slide show on LEYM
  • 12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
  • 1:00-1:30 Committee Meetings/Extended Lunch Break
  • 1:30-4:00 Meeting for Business (see draft agenda)

Looking through the doorway at the March 2023 Representative Meeting with Remote Participants
The Amazing Dessert Table at Representative Meeting

See below for a general description of what Rep Meeting is all about.

Representative meeting in Toledo Ohio as seen from behind the clerk's table.
2012 Representative Meeting in Toledo, Ohio

What It Is

LEYM holds a Representative Meeting in the spring to handle business that has arisen since the previous Annual Sessions and to consider and season matters for the next Annual Sessions. Representative Meeting may make decisions concerning any matter except those specifically reserved for Annual Sessions (see Policies & Procedures Manual), and may forward any matter to Annual Sessions with a recommendation.

Who Attends

Participants at 2012 LEYM Representatives Meeting

Meetings are asked to appoint two representatives so that at least a few Friends from each meeting will attend, participate, and report back. A representative comes with knowledge about his or her meeting and its concerns, but is not bound by instructions. Representatives need to be open to the leadings of the Spirit, just as they would be in any Quaker business meeting. Members of standing committees and officers of the yearly meeting are expected to attend. In addition, any member or attender within LEYM who wishes may participate.

When and Where it is Held

LEYM’s Clerk sets the time and place for Representative Meeting. Currently, it is held on a Saturday at the end of March or beginning of April. It is hosted by different monthly meetings different years. If your meeting is interested in hosting the next one, please contact the Yearly Meeting Clerk.

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