Shared Quaker Vision for Peace in Israel and Palestine

On April 12th, eight Quaker organizations released a new statement entitled “A Different Future is Possible: Shared Quaker Vision for Peace in Israel and Palestine.” The organizations are the American Friends Service Committee, Canadian Friends Service Committee, Friends Committee on National Legislation, Friends World Committee for Consultation, Quakers in Britain, Quaker Council on European Affairs, Quaker Peace and Social Witness, and the Quaker United Nations Office.

The statement provides background on Quaker involvement in these issues and includes calls to action for the Israeli government, to Hamas and other armed Palestinian groups, to Western leaders and the US and UK governments, and to individual Friends and Friends Meetings.

You can download it here.

For Friends interested in drafting your own statement, know that Friends Committee on National Legislation has been compiling a collection of Minutes related to this concern written by Quaker Monthly Meetings. It can be reviewed here.

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