Quaker Call to Action Update

The Quaker Call to Action group has issued an update and Alert and ask that Friends consider taking action in ways that they are moved to. An upcoming September 28 Zoom call will feature words from Parker Palmer. Here’s the latest announcement from the group.

Update, July 2023

The Urgent Call Steering Committee continues to hold our country’s challenging political environment in prayer. As we anticipate the 2024 election season, we have just issued an Updated Call To Action to the Religious Society of Friends. You can find it and download it here. The original Urgent Call continues to be a vital message. Please consider our updated pleas for action and distribute this email and Updated Call To Action widely for discernment by meetings and individual Friends.

We are committed to continuing our work for truth and democracy through the 2024 elections. We will be organizing periodic National Zoom Calls for Friends to come together for encouragement, learning, and support.

The first such call will be held on September 28, 2023, 7-9 pm EDT. We are thrilled that Parker Palmer will open this National Call with a message: “The Better Angels of Our Nature: Love, Truth, Justice & the Work of We the People.” You can register for the September 28 National Zoom Call, as well as future calls and training sessions, on our website.

Even though the polarization, promulgation of lies, and threats of violence that permeate our country’s public discourse are disheartening, and even frightening at times, let us continue to hold to our deep faith in the Light and to notice and affirm the Light wherever and whenever we see it. As Friends we nurture hope, trust, and joy through our worship and work together.

Yours in faith,

The Urgent Call Steering Committee

Marian Beane, Bruce Birchard, Sam Caldwell, Gretchen Castle, Mary Ellen McNish, Diane Randall, Jim Waddington, and Michael Wajda, clerk.

No religious dictator will save the world; no giant figure of heroic size will stalk across the stage of history today, as a new Messiah. But in simple, humble imperfect people like you and me wells up the springs of hope. –Thomas Kelly, The Eternal Promise, “Where Are the Springs of Hope?” 1939_

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