Quaker actions for Human Rights

December is Human Rights Month.

How can your meeting promote the cause of human rights throughout the year? Here are action steps to consider provided by FGC:

Compose queries for your worship community to discern during Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Business, and during quiet moments for reflection in daily life.

Approve a Minute on Human Rights. This Minute was adopted by Hanover Friends Meeting of New England Yearly Meeting in December 2016.

Visit the Friends Engage page of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) website for resources and opportunities to connect.

Buy a copy or two of Bayard Rustin: The Invisible Activist for your meeting’s library (note: QuakerBooks.org will resume online ordering in January 2018).

Learn about the history of Quaker efforts to promote human rights by reading this resource from Quakers in Britain.


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