North Columbus Friends Meeting Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage, 1920-2020

North Columbus Friends Meeting Celebrates
100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage, 1920-2020
Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 7:00-8:30 p.m.

North Columbus Friends Meeting invites you to join them via Zoom in commemorating the centennial of the 19th Amendment as we explore the story of several Quaker suffragists, the suffrage movement and commit ourselves today to helping every citizen have the right to vote without barriers, without difficulty, without fear. The format will be a mixture of PowerPoint presentations & video clips, discussion, a call to action, and a sharing of additional resources for further learning and engagement to eliminate voting disenfranchisement today. This is a unique opportunity to celebrate the centennial of this historical event, and to honor the multigenerational efforts and work of those involved in bringing about this expansion to our democracy. We hope you can join us!

For any questions, contact Barbara LeSage – or 617-869-2211.

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