LEYM 2024 Call for Workshops Form

The Adult and Family Program Committee is excited about our upcoming Annual Meeting to be held June 13-16, 2024 at Ashland University and we’d like to invite interested Friends to consider being part of the program by submitting a proposal to offer a workshop. Our 2024 theme is “Friends Together: Outpourings of the Spirit” and our plenary presenter will be musician Paulette Meier, known for her Quaker Chants and children’s peace education music. It’s going to be a great year to get involved.

Friends Together: Outpourings of the Spirit

Here’s the link to the form you’ll need to use to have your proposal put before the Committee for consideration. Proposals should be submitted by February 22, 2024 in order to receive full consideration. We are asking for information on the following topics:

  • Workshop Title
  • Preferred Length (90 minutes is the default, shorter is possible)
  • Presenter(s)
  • Workshop Description (for use promoting the workshop)
  • Workshop Design and Format (information for the committee)
  • Technology Needs
  • Contact Email
  • Note: Questions can be directed to Greg Mott via mott@findlay.edu

For your convenience, the form is also embedded below. If you are having trouble navigating it, use the link above to go directly to the form.

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