Create a Meeting Story Tree
Create a Visual Introduction to Your Group
UPDATE: Our Gallery of LEYM Story Trees is now available for viewing
Lake Erie Yearly Meeting Friends are being invited to do a quick visual introduction of their Monthly Meeting or Worship Group during our 2022 Opening Gathering in the evening of Wednesday, July 27th. The Program Committee has chosen the theme “Many Roots, One Tree” for the 2022 gathering. We are suggesting Friends use an annotated “Story Tree” as a quick way to highlight a few things about your unique Meeting for Worship.
We have created a template that can be used by a group of Friends to share some of the roots of your Meeting (early history, foundational people, etc.); it’s trunk (current gathering location, size, practices, etc.), and some of the unique out-growths (leaves or fruits or even nuts!) nurtured in the Meeting over the years. We imagine that a group of Friends could gather via Zoom or in-person, perhaps after the rise of meeting, and together annotate a Story Tree providing some meeting history and special details. Digital representations of your tree (photos, files, or video) should provided to by July 10th.
During the Annual Sessions Opening Event, Story Trees from various meetings will be displayed, and Friends in attendance from that Meeting will be invited to comment on or explain some of the tree’s features. We only expect to have 3-4 minutes for each Meeting, so the Story Tree can help focus comments, build familiarity, and pique further curiosity re the various Monthly Meetings & Worship Groups within LEYM.
Get Your Story Tree Toolkit
You can get the PDF Toolkit clicking the button below. You should save it to your local computer and then it can be opened and annotated with Friends.
The 4-page Toolkit provides a Story Tree template with instructions and fillable form fields, which can be saved and then shared. As an alternative, the image below can be used if you just want to open the image and mark it up (annotate it) in Preview or an image editing app or if you wanted to try sharing it with your group on a Zoom whiteboard.