
LEYM Calendar of Events

Use the month selector controls along the top to advance the calendar as needed. If you have events to be added please contact or use the form located on the LEYM Events Planning page. You can subscribe to the official LEYM events calendar using this iCal link.

January 15, 2025
  • Winter Bulletin Submissions Due
    January 15, 2025

January 16, 2025
  • A&O Hybrid Meetings Event
    January 16, 2025  7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

    LEYM Advancement and Outreach Presents: 
Hybrid Meetings- How Have They Affected Us?

    Join our LEYM panelists from Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, and Oberlin to hear perspectives on everything from technology to identity - followed by time for questions and discussion.
    Questions? Write Stephanie:
    Zoom Access Link
    Meeting ID: 850 1650 3621
    Passcode: 196682

January 23, 2025
  • LEYM Clerk's Chat
    January 23, 2025  7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Ministry and Nurture is hosting another informal Clerks' Chat for all Meetings' Clerks and/or Co-Clerks and Worship Group convenors. The proposed topic is: As a Meeting clerk, what are your concerns?

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