Broadmead Fall Retreat

Broadmead Monthly Meeting Friends Fall Retreat
Oct. 28th – 30th 2022
Retreat Theme: The Power of Enough
Presenter: Jackie Stillwell

Friends are invited to join this in-person weekend retreat, to be held at the St. Francis Spirituality Center, 200 St Francis Ave, Tiffin, Ohio. Details and registration information are in the attached event announcement brochure.

Biography of Jackie Stillwell
Jackie Stillwell is the General Secretary of Right Sharing of World Resources. She is a member of Monadnock Meeting, New Hampshire (New England Yearly Meeting). Jackie is called to spiritual accompaniment, grounded in an awareness of the abundance of God’s Love and a strong sense of connection and kinship with all life. A graduate of Friends World College, Jackie has a B.A. in Education/Psychology, and an M.S. in Organization and Management from Antioch University New England.
Jackie has lived abroad in England, Norway and spent nearly a decade in Guatemala, 3 years of which were serving in the Peace Corps. For 22 years, Jackie served as Head of The Meeting School, an experiment in education and simple living in Quaker community. From 2011-2015, Jackie served as clerk of New England Yearly Meeting. She has traveled widely among Friends with FWCC, FGC and FUM, serving as an elder and workshop facilitator at monthly, quarterly, yearly meetings, and Friends schools.

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